On internal and external space
Taken from upcoming collection The Swerve
I watched a dirty bird
Picking through a flock
For some minutes
Before realising it was not dirty at all
Its feathers were blackened and browned
It was, in fact, just ugly
And I sank in contemplation of the individual;
The cruelty of ugliness
And the stark ductility of finitude.
A one is a cosmic stutter
A dense comma between comprehensible spaces
Threatening the rhythm of order and meaning
Through the frankness of its vocabulary
And I ponder ugliness –
This menace writ large –
And beauty, this same menace
On a warmer day.
And I watched a sodden cabbage
Squatting in the rain
A loose fist held against the sky
Righteously declaring disinterest
And sphericality unto itself
A limp green gaze turning
Ever down and away;
It is only when mud splashes its shoulder
That it falls into synchronicity
With the busy pecking and scratching
Of the shameless act of being
That flashes all about,
And the envious eye
Can rest upon it
For a minute –
This lump of satisfaction,
Plump in pure distraction,
Silent crown of the swollen earth.
And in time,
I saw the growth of one spongey tube
One cell rippling and straining
Into an entire semantic field;
An atomic proposition
Encompassing horizons of meaning
With its skin stretched around the sun
And the conspiracy of spatial expansion
Churning behind the muscle walls of its sovereign domain.
Flexing in and steadily out, diaphragmatically,
Its undulous warping is the billowing shape of language
Pulsing in binary waveforms.
Thus does the tremolo, pleasure and pain,
Infiltrate space, dissolve and imbibe;
Thus does the heart of the creature before you
Bleed from the lines in which it’s inscribed.